Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Livin' in LV

 Jake and I are enjoying our time in Las Vegas. Jake is settling into his new job nicely and I am settling into a routine here in LV.  We have had quite a few adventures of our own in just a few short weeks. We discovered that we had carpet beetles....ick! We saw them diving into the carpet one Sunday afternoon and were totally freaked out, considering Kason spends most of his day on the carpet. We called the main office and were told that pest control could take care of them! Yay!  Also, on that same Sunday we discovered that our oven didn't work! I tried to make biscuits for Sunday dinner and they took several hours instead of 12 minutes. Nobody has been by to look at the problem, despite my submitting a work order! Kason cut his very first tooth a few weeks ago.  He was quite sick while teething, probably the sickest he has ever been. He was running a fever of 103! Jake was in Los Angeles for training and I was all by myself! Of course Kason would be the sickest he has ever been when I was all alone in a new city. Talk about panic! But after that little pearly white popped through he was fine!  I am just praying that the next tooth is a little bit easier. It was a very long week to say the least. I enjoyed how totally cuddly he was because Kason is NOT a snuggler, but at the same time I hated it, knowing he was feeling horrible and I hated seeing him so miserable. He was also mega clingy and whiny, which was out of character for him, and to top it off he was waking up several times a night just screaming! Poor bug, he was miserable. Thankfully is is back to his old self, which means no more cuddling for mamma.  Now, on to some adventures I never expected to experience. Our first week here, we witnessed a man steal an ice cream cake from Cold Stone! He just took the cake and darted across a very busy road to the mall across the street. Well, I should clarify, we didn't WITNESS him not pay for the cake, but we saw him take it out of the freezer and loiter with it for a few minutes, and he followed us out the door and across the road.  We know he didn't pay for it because the line was horrendous when we left and he wasn't even standing in it. Our next burglary experience happened just a few days ago, remember the carpet beetles and pest control? Well, we authorized them to come and spray when we were in Cedar City for the 4th of July. (I know now, that was not smart.) We returned Sunday night and I noticed a box of band-aids on the counter. I know that I didn't leave them there, I make sure everything is put away when we leave town. That box of band-aids was in a plastic tote in a cupboard when we left town. We opened the tote and there was an empty bottle that contained prescription Tylenol. I know that the bottle was full because I went through the tote before we moved down Las Vegas. The pest control person had helped himself or herself to the Tylenol that was prescribed to me after I delivered Kason. He/she also forgot to put the band-aids back, had they put them back, we probably would never had known! Thank goodness we didn't have any of Kason's oxycodone left from his head surgery. Jake and I have enjoyed trying new restaurants that we can't experience in Cedar City, it is a fun place to live, despite the mishaps and heat. We stay cool by going to one of the three pools in our apartment complex. Kason is such a water baby!  It is a fun new experience for us considering we have lived in Cedar our whole married lives. It has been fun to experience something new.