Saturday, February 15, 2014

On My Mind Lately...

So as of lately I have been thinking a lot about "The Mommy Wars." Some of you may have heard of them. For those that have not, "The Mommy Wars" was a term that was originally used to describe the controversy between working moms and stay-at-home moms. Lately, this term is being used to describe other parenting issues such as breast feeding vs. formula feeding.  This post is not to add to the "Mommy Wars," but it is my own personal thoughts over the last few weeks. I am not saying my way is best, I am just writing down my thoughts about how it is okay for every mom to raise their child differently. 

Moms are posting on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. what they believe are the best ways to be raising children. My own social media feeds are blowing up with pictures, research, and links to articles that are supposed to be the best ways to be raising babies, and for some, it is exactly the right way, but for others, it may not be. 

After  reading the shared articles and realizing that I am not doing what the "experts" say I should be doing, I am left with a nagging thought in the back of mind, wondering if I am being the best mom I can be to my son. I quit nursing my son after two months, yep that is right he is 100% formula fed and has been since October. Now I know that "breast is best," but I was one of those women who had all different kinds of problems with nursing. It was one problem after another and I was completely miserable. I did do it for two months and I tried to keep an open mind, but in the end I just couldn't do it. Kason also preferred the bottle and nursing him was a battle. For the sake of my marriage and the relationship with my baby, I quit the nursing and moved to the bottle. It has been great, we are all happy. I am no longer miserable and crying to my husband every time I feed the baby, and the baby loves his bottles. 

 I started feeding him rice cereal at 3 1/2 months instead of waiting until 4-6 months. I started feeding him fruits and vegetables at 4 months. Guess what? He loves the cereal, fruits, and veggies. He hasn't developed any allergies and he is fuller longer. He is not screaming every hour and a half because he is hungry. He also sleeps through the night because those stay with him longer. 

 He has been sleeping in his own crib in his own room down the hall since he was 1 month old. Now I know that you are supposed to wait until they are 6 months old to move them into a crib in their own room, but we all sleep better with our rooms. When we go on trips, Kason sleeps in the same room as us, and he doesn't sleep as good as he does at home. When Kason shares a room with Jake and I, none of us get as much sleep. Our noises and movements wake him up, and vice versa. That first month when Kason was in our room I would hear every movement he made and would wake up and feed him. He wasn't always really awake, and we were waking up more than we probably had to. He would whimper a little and I would think he was awake and hungry and so I would flip on the light which would really wake him up. Now that  he is in his room I can't hear every little whimper and I only wake up when he cries and I know he is really awake. I walk down the hall and take care of things in his room. My husband who is in school and working also sleeps better because I am not flipping on the light and making noise. He sleeps so much better in his own room and so do I. 

 Dare I say it?  I put him to sleep on his belly. Yes, you read that right, I put my baby to bed on his belly. For the first 3 months I put him on his back which worked alright, but after Kason had his surgery and he had his helmet on, "Back to Bed" was not working for us. On the back of Kason's helmet there is a large strap that holds the two pieces of the helmet together, and every time I laid him down he would jolt awake because he was uncomfortable in the helmet. The large strap made it impossible for him to lay flat and the helmet would dig into his neck. After several nights of him being up every hour because he was uncomfortable, I finally put my fears aside and put him to bed on his belly. He slept so much better! I was so scared to do this because it is a big "no-no," but he was so uncomfortable and he was rolling to his belly by himself in his crib anyway so I decided to try it one night. I must have checked on him 30 times that night because I was so nervous, but he did just fine, he loved it. I was put to bed on my belly and I survived.

All of these "confessions" go against all of the expert articles that I have read. So is my baby not bonding with me like he should be because he isn't breast fed and he sleeps in his own room? I don't think so! We have plenty of play time and I enjoy looking and smiling at him when he drinks his bottle. For those that do choose to co-sleep, that is great! I just couldn't do it! 

Only within the last week or so have I realized that yes, I may be doing it differently than some, but I am not a bad mom. There is not a one size fits all for raising a baby. What is important is that as a mother I am listening to my baby and my instinct and I am doing what is best for us. I think each mom knows what is best when it comes to her child.  I have a happy, healthy, six month old who is thriving.  I have nothing to be ashamed of. Sure, I may not be doing the same thing as other moms, but that is okay. I love my son, and I am pretty sure he loves me, and that is what is important. 

I know that Kason came to our family because we are the best fit for him, and him for us. Babies go to the families that will be the best at raising them. Each mom raises their child differently, and it works for them. I know that now, I don't have to be doing it the same as everyone else. I just need to be me, and I am raising Kason in the best way for him. 


  1. I hate social media for the fact that it makes it even easier for us (especially women it seems) to compare ourselves to others and makes us feel bad if our lives aren't as glamorous or we aren't making the same popular choices as everyone else. You're a wonderful mom for listening to your own instincts and doing what your individual baby needs. :) Miss you!

  2. lol Olivia never slept 1 night in our room. If your baby is happy and heathy who cares how you get them there! I have never cared what other people think of my parenting and it makes me one happy mama :) I love your attitude!

  3. Yeah women need to quit being hard on each other and support each other!! I remember feeling bad for not making Sarah's baby food lol glad you're doing well! We should get together!!

  4. You are an awesome Mom.. dont worry if you don't do what everybody else might do we all are different raising our kids and is just fine.. I do think I wish I put Apryl in her own bed but it didn't workout she slept with us for about 3 years.. lol.. but this thought us to be different with Carly she sleeps better in her crib and soon she will be sharing a room with her big sister :-) you are doing just great keep it up Bri..

  5. I love this because I am the exact same way! I feel like if I am not doing what the so called "experts" are saying I should do that I am a bad mother or I am doing it "wrong". I think the reality is that every child is different and there is no "one way" to do parent. We moved Oaklee out of our room earlier than 6 months because when Miel would flap her ears to let us know she needed to potty it would wake her up, or even us stirring would. Plus she also sleeps better in her room. We started feeding Oaklee rice earlier than 4 months because she just wasn't satisfied with food and started her on solids 2 days later. She LOVES real food and it makes her tummy happy. (And if this makes you feel better my Doctor showed me a study JUST released that says starting babies on solids, not just rice, at 4 months will actually HELP food AND respiratory allergies. Awesome, right??) For sleeping I put a blanket in the crib with Oaklee cause she loves to snuggle it. Am I terrible for giving her a "prop" to help her sleep? Maybe, maybe not. I think you're an INCREDIBLE mother. My not so humble opinion...mothers know what is best for their child and the pediatricians and "experts" are just there to help us out. WE are the ones who know what works for our child and what will help them. I am like you and am very hard on myself but have to remind myself that I am the mother and I know her best. As long as you keep loving him and nuturing him as well as you are things are going to be great! (Not easy but great) haha being a mom is hard enough not to mention the pressures the "experts" add. Thank you for writing this! Sorry for my novel. Love ya girl.

  6. This was an interesting post. It is so good to know that I am not the only one who doesn't do things by the book. Although I do still nurse, I don't in any way judge people who don't. I don't tell people a lot of my mothering techniques because I am afraid that people will judge me. To be completely honest, Hyrum still sleeps in bed with Aaron and I at night. We all love it! I know there are many "experts" who say that we are awful. However, there have never been any problems and I have also heard some "experts" say that bed sharing can be good and that nursing babies sleep lighter so I don't worry about SIDS. Am I an awful parent? Maybe it doesn't work for everyone, but the fact is that you can find an experts opinion to back up anything. If I agree with Kaylie mom's know what is best. As long as your baby is happy and healthy that is all that matters:) You are a great mom!

    1. oops! I should have proof read that before posting it.
